1) The girls have a special smile reserved for only Eric and I. They also have a special smile for their puppies.
2) They make such silly little noises when they are playing...happy, silly noises.
3) They can squeal so high..I have never heard anything that high pitched before.
4) They love to splash water in their own and each others faces in the bathtub. They are trying to figure out how to kick their legs while sitting up in the tub and not fall over.
5) They often reach their arms up for me when we are sitting on the floor playing. Sometimes they just want to sit in my lap while they play. It is really interesting when they both want to do this, since they will try and push each other away when they are starting to get grumpy.
6) They love their green vegetables. I think they would pick peas or green beans over anything sweet. Although applesauce and prunes were their favorite fruits.
7) During mealtime, they like to suck and lick on their bibs...which makes a royal mess!
8) They like to make noises and have Eric or I pat their mouths...not sure what you call it...it's on one of our youtube videos.
9) They now grunt and make hilarious noises when they are going to the bathroom. They never had to do this when they only had breastmilk.
10) Lexi likes to blow bubbles and make silly squirty noises with her mouth.
11) Lilly likes to pat everything...she pats me on the back when I hold her and then pats her chest a lot. It is almost like she is saying, "I am Lilly!"
12) Lilly's first babbles were "dadadadadadada" and "babababababa". Lexi's first babbles were "dadadadadadadaadaadaa" and lots of unintelligible things. Also, when Lexi really wants something, she looks at me and yells, "Mim!" We assume it's Mom!! :)
13) They can roll across the entire living room in a matter of seconds.
14) They try to crawl every day but aren't quite sure how exactly to go about it.
15) They really like to put everything into their mouths. They will chew on anything except Cheerios. :) We tried cheerios for the first time yesterday and they were both pretty disgusted. Lexi gagged and spit hers out.
16) Lexi pulled herself up Friday and yesterday which is a first for her. On Friday I was sitting on the floor eating dinner and she wanted me to hold her, so she pulled herself up on me, using my shirt.
17) I cannot keep Lexi off her belly at night to save my life. She rolls herself onto her tummy and pulls her legs underneath her to get to sleep. She is sooooo cute with her bootie in the air.
18) Lilly sucks her right thumb just to fall asleep. It is soooo cute! Lexi has sucked her thumb just a couple of times and it is always her left one.
19) They now fight over certain toys...not really fight, just grabbing it back and forth. They always want what the other baby has :)
20) When they are really excited about a food, they will sit up and beg like baby birds with their mouths open.
21) They talk constantly...and loudly...no stopping these girls...get ready Eric!!
22) Lexi's hair began parting more often to the left and Lilly's always parts to the right! It's so cute!
23) Yesterday Lexi almost sat up from a laying down position.
24) They love getting professional photos done...I think its all the attention.
25) They love going shopping with mommy!! Like Great-grandmother, and grandmother, and mother!!
26) They sit up all the time now, only laying down when they want to roll or get tired.
I know there are tons more, but I will have to leave it that for now. I have been writing this post for a couple of days now and can never seem to finish it. I'm sure I will write more things as I think of them!
Maddie has just started to reach up for me too, I love it! She also sucks her bib when I feed her! They are growing up so fast!!!
27.) They're beginning to develop unique facial expressions that grandparents say they've seen before... on Mom & Dad!
It's amazing how Lilly, who was the smallest, is now bigger than Lexi. They are growing up too fast.
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