Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hey all! I wanted to talk again about nursing!! I am currently weaning the girls and it is going quite well. I think they are more willing than I was...and you'd think whole milk was chocolate! They love it!!

I am officially sleeping through the night again, for the first time since the girls were born, and I am soooooooooooooooooo excited about it!! This just means that I am not pumping no more milk to donate to the Mother's Milk Bank at Austin (MMBA). This is the reason I am writing this particular post.

If you are a nursing mother and/or know a nursing mother, or just feel like spreading the word to anyone, please consider telling them about donating milk. I called the MMBA this week to let them know I was done with my donations, and it was kind of sad. I wish I could help this great organization more. I asked if there was anything else they needed me to do, and I was told that getting the word out was the best thing I could do.

I didn't know that you could donate milk for sick and premature infants before having my own and needing to pump in the beginning. How cool is that...that an organization exists just to help little babies get the perfect and best nutrition possible. So, I don't know who all reads my little blog, but if you know people, let them know about this awesome group. Here is their website

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