We had a great day today and took lots of pictures. We have days like that...where you just find yourself documenting all the cute moments. But before I tell you about today, let me share my favorite picture of the week...I took this one yesterday evening while getting the bath stuff ready. Eric plays with the girls on our bed while I bathe them in shifts. I am looking forward to bathing them together, but for now, I wash each baby separately. (Lexi is in pink) This picture makes me want to say that I have triplets! He he he!

The big deal over the past two days has been the girls new found love, and affinity for, sitting up unassisted!! They had been practicing this feat since Thanksgiving, but never have they done so well until yesterday. The last week or so, they could sit up for about 10-15 seconds, but starting yesterday, we are talking minutes. Today, I sat Lexi up and she just hung out for probably 10 minutes. If she started to wobble, she would just support herself by her arm and then lean back up. It is the coolest thing to see them learn all this new stuff and then do it successfully! This is Lexi below and the next picture is Lilly!

Lexi gets really excited about their little singing "Lilly" frog!

When we first got up this morning, after breakfast, we were playing in the living room. Here are some fun pictures that we took...Isn't daddy sweet with Lilly? :)

Here is me with Lexi...in my VERY COMFORTABLE scrubs. :) I got these from my old boss when I worked in her microbiology lab. In case you are wondering, the print on the scrubs is an image of Staph bacteria. Go ahead, call me a nerd! But at least I was comfy playing with my girls this morning. I did change before going grocery shopping!

Miss Lilly and I were being silly!

For lunch, we had peaches. Lexi liked them but managed to get a bunch on her chin...maybe it is the way Eric feeds her? Hmmmm!! :)

This is the very first time that the girls sat up together. I sat them up and neither one fell over...I was so excited!

Then Lexi got really excited about Sneezy. I am holding her arm because we are still teaching them to be gentle with the dogs. They tend to grab and pull hair...trust me, my scalp could tell you stories!

Then while I was grocery shopping Eric took pictures of Lilly doing her new thing...apparently the coffee table tastes really good! She rolls to it a lot just to try and chew on it! :)
Lastly, I just love these dresses. They were some of the new ones we got on Saturday! Until next time...
Sitting up by themselves so long? Get ready, the first day of school's just around the corner!
Love y'all -
Sarah, How do you find time even blog and post pictures?? You're supermom! :)
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