Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today we officially began a new adventure! We started teaching the girls simple sign language, or baby signing. My best friend, Amy, did this with her daughter and since then, I have observed a few other couples teaching their babies to sign. It is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I don't even remember what I did, but the last time I was in Oklahoma with Amy and Hannah, Hannah told me "thank you" for something. She was only about 16 months old. I didn't realize what she was doing but when Amy told me that she said "thank you", I was touched. Here was a little child who was still learning how to talk and she could convey thanks so easily. It is very helpful for pre-verbal communication.

So I have been learning simple signs myself the past few weeks, and today, I just happened to see a video for teaching babies their first signs. I bought it, and the girls and I had our first movie time...which consisted of watching the video for 15 minutes in their bumbos...then they were done. They have short attention spans (and Toby kept walking by!)...but we finished the last 12 minutes later on tonight.

Wish us luck! We are going to teach them all sorts of fun words...play, eat, drink, more, milk, blanket, mommy, daddy, baby, bath, friend, etc.


Epps said...

Interesting! Sounds like a fun experiment, and maybe very worthwhile. I'm looking forward to hearing more updates.

Sarah said...

Of course it's worthwhile! This morning we said "bye bye, daddy"! Well...I did at least!

Kelle said...

I did signing with my girls and am starting it with my son now. The girls not only could sign what they wanted to me, but they learned to talk so fast too. If their words weren't clear, their signs were. They were both talking in 3 word sentences by 17 or 18 months. It is so worth it to reduce the frustration of misunderstanding them once they think they can communicate.

Kelle (Boatwright) Smith