Today it was 80 degrees and beautiful!! Eric and I took our little "sunshines" out into the sunshine!! The only problem was whatever blew in today...we were only out there for about 5 minutes and we had to come back in, because the girls kept sneezing and Lexi had tears streaming down her cheeks. It seemed like Eric and I blew our noses for the next 30 minutes! This is a picture of Lilly sneezing...poor baby!
It was still worth getting a little sun and soaking up the warmth. We have had several days of warm weather now, but by Saturday it will be cool again! We have been taking walks and sitting outside as much as possible since Monday.
I took pictures of my "twincesses" today and they turned out to be great pictures. Some of the best ones had a smudge across them though...there was an unknown smudge on the camera lens. Woopsie!
I put their little pink sunhats on them, which are soooooo big. Maybe by this summer they will fit. Right now, it is just so much fun to see them in the huge hats. :) I am sure they love it!
Here are my beautiful angels before we went outside...
They sit up so well now. It always amazes me how fast they learn new things and how strong they are.
Where did the babies go? :) :)
Lilly checking out the dry grass...
They love to put EVERYTHING in their mouths...and I mean everything. Tonight, Lilly rolled over on the floor and started trying to taste my foot! Below is Lexi chewing on her new favorite rabbit rattle.
Lexi girl..see the smudge over her left eye...bummer! This would have been the best shot!
Lexi tends to be my more serious child. She was looking around the neighborhood. She looks so big here...they are really catching up. They now fit into their 6 months and 6-9 months outfits. Although I still have about 10 pairs of pants that are 0-3 months that still fit...just a little short. They work as capris! :)
Here is Lexi trying to figure out why her eye was watering. Right after this picture, I had to wipe the tear from her right eye as it dripped down her cheek. She was not sure what was going on...
A little sly smile from Miss Lilly...
A little video footage of the girls playing outside...
Then yesterday, I ran down the street to our local favoritest place in the whole wide world. Even though nursing requires the decaf, I still enjoy a nice Vanilla Latte every once in a while. One time, Sneezy wanted to know what I had, so after finishing my drink I let him take a lick of the lid. WELL...apparently he loved it and remembered what it smelled like. When I got home yesterday, he got so excited. He came over to me and laid down, placing his chin on my knee and gazing, oh so sweetly, up at me. I was sitting on the floor, playing with the girls.
I finished my coffee, removed the lid, and let him sniff the cup. He immediately stuck his head in the cup, getting foam all over his face, and licked the cup clean. He got so excited that his face was stuck in the cup. Eric got this shot...
Now for the baby food update...The girls have tried all of the vegetables and fruits available for Stage 1. The ultimate favorites (which surprised me) were peas and prunes. They loved green beans and applesauce, but the other two were definitely favorites. We gave them each food for at least 2-3 days to make sure they got used to the flavors and that their tummies wouldn't get upset by anything.
Today, we started mixing it up. We had peas for lunch and bananas for dinner. They were such happy campers. The goal is to keep mixing up for a while and see what happens. When they have that down, we will move on.
This was hilarious we have Lexi. She had not had peas for a while and obviously missed them. After Eric gave her a few bites today, she went nuts. She would eat a bite and then start chewing and licking all over her bib. She was a royal mess. I had to change her clothes afterwards. She had it in the crease of her neck and behind her ears. Eric swears that she was responsible for all of the mess and he did not contribute! she is, in all her messy glory! The second picture is her sucking the peas off of the bib.
At least they had a fun day!! Until tomorrow...
1 comment:
I love their chubby cheeks! I agree, they look so old sitting up by themselves.
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