Here are what the girls are up to these days...I watch them every day in utter amazement!!
- Sits up by herself
- Sits up by herself
- Rolls over and over and over and over QUICKLY...before we know it, she is across the room getting into something :)
- Will walk if you hold her hands and guide her forward
- Her babbling has become more distinct. She is really trying to talk but mostly likes to say, "dadadadadada" and "mumumumu" and "bababababa"
- She likes to cluck her tongue to make cute noises.
-If I ask her to "give mommy a kiss", she will lean forward and give me a big sloppy kiss. She gave daddy one for the first time yesterday.
- She likes to laugh a lot and will just start giggling to herself and end up cracking up. She likes to get Lexi laughing....note the YouTube video.
- She loves to snuggle with her daddy.
- She pats everything!! She will pat the floor, the dogs, my shoulder, and her own chest. It's really cute when she pats herself, as if to say, "I am Lilly!"
- She can clap but doesn't quite get how to clap her own hands together so she claps her hands on ours.
- She loves to laugh at her sister if she wears a hat or has her hair put up in a clip.
- She is a much cleaner eater than Lexi. She likes to get the whole bite in her mouth and stay clean. Although she still likes to stick her hand in her mouth when it's full of food.
- She has started to pose when I try to take her picture.
- Lilly loves to jump in her jumperoo and play the piano on their activity center.
- She also loves to dance to the Wiggles and some of the other songs I have played for them a lot...The song, "Country Fried" by the Zac Brown Band is one of her favorites and always makes her smile and dance.
- She can pull herself up when she is in the mood. She mostly pulls herself up on us.
- She loves to bite Eric's nose.
- She sucks her thumb but only when she is about to fall asleep or is getting sleepy. As soon as she is asleep, it falls right out.
- She is now terrified of the vacuum and the food processor.
About an hour old, 6-9-2008.
2 Months...

3 Months...


8 Months...

- She can get from laying down to sitting straight up in no time flat. She will roll across the floor, squirm her whole body around, and then sit up..just like that! It's crazy!!
- She will also walk while holding your hands.
- She can pull herself up but doesn't try to very often. Although lately she loves to pull herself up on the fireplace.
- She likes to cuddle and sit in my lap. Sometimes she just wants to sit in my lap while she plays with her toys.
- Lexi loves to sing along with me when I am singing along to ITunes or the radio. She sings really loud with me and loves praise and worship songs. Her expression is priceless since she is trying really hard to sing along with me.
- She loves nothing more than to splash in the tub. Even when she splashes herself, she LOVES it. She pounds the water with both hands while smiling. She has figured out how to lift up the drain and let the water out.
- She is starting to try and say words more than Lilly. She says dada, and when she really wants me immediately, she will scream "MUM!!" She always says dada so sweetly and yells my name. The other day, she looked at Eric and said, "boo!" I thought Eric said it because it was so clear. She has a word for the dogs, although we are not quite sure what she is saying. It sounds like she is saying, "gigi" or "digi" or something like that. BUT she is definitely trying to say doggie.
- She can have a bit of a temper.
- She really likes to pull hair, and she pulls on Eric's hair and ears a lot.
- She likes to pull her legs up really high around your waist when you carry her so she has better balance.
- She is also terrified of the vacuum and the food processor.
About an hour old, 6-9-2008.

2 Months...

3 Months...

4 Months... .jpg)
5 Months... 

6 Months... .jpg)
7 Months...

8 Months... 

Then last but not least, Eric and I were married for 18 months yesterday! Here is what I made him to say...can you guess what I wanted to say? :)

1 comment:
I loved the post! Such beauties
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