Last night, the girls had the best time ever in the tub..which is saying something because they usually enjoy the bathtub. Lexi realized that she could pull herself up onto her knees and peer over the side of the tub. Then she kept trying to stand up and would do the splits
every time! I kept telling her that it was probably too slippery for doing that just yet.
Lilly discovered her reflection in the silver hardware and it cracked her up. Then while Lexi was trying to get out of the tub, Lilly laid on her belly and chased her turtles and duckies around the tub. She realized that if she laid down in the tub, she could scoot back and forth more quickly and splash her face more...I think she would have stayed in there for hours if I let her.
This is Lilly talking to herself in the silver hardware....have no idea what you call that little piece! :)

Such a serious baby...I wish I knew what they were thinking!

"Hey, I can look over the edge!!"

Then, we have been sitting outside every evening for the last few nights while the weather was nice. It will be too hot after a while to do that, but it has been so cool lately. Here is Lilly and then Lexi looking around at everything!
I may have to start a file entitled, "tub photos"!
In the last two pictures their hair is both parted the same. That really messes me up with being able to tell them apart!
Lexi's hair started parting back the other way again...sorry! A lot of days, it just blows both ways or falls in the middle. She has her mommy's crazy hair. :)
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