Friday, March 13, 2009

Fun Times

Today was the twins 9 month check-up!! As always I was looking forward to their weigh in and height check...and NO shots today! Here are the stats on my gorgeous little stinkers...

Weight: 18 lbs, 6 ozs.
Height: 28 inches
Head size: 44.50 cm

Weight: 18 lbs, 11 ozs.
Height: 27.50 inches
Head size: 44.20 cm

This puts both girls in the 50% percentile for all 3 categories!! Not bad considering that they were in the 7% and 10% percentiles of weight at 2 weeks old! Now that, is how you grow. :)

Dr. Riser said that everything looked great and she let me ask my crazy, first-time mommy questions. I had about a page of simple questions that I wanted to ask. I have lots of info on baby stuff, but always like to hear our pediatrician's opinion. She was there, after all, to see the girls born. I am glad that we have a great doctor who cares for our girls and knows their entire history. The girls really like her too...since they weren't getting shots today, they were a little bit more relaxed! :)
I took a picture of them before we left for the clinic, all bundled up and ready for the cold rain!! They really like these sweaters! I think they look like little snow bunnies! :)

It was apparently a good day...check out the girls at 7:00 pm tonight!!

Lexi passed out thinking deeply...

Lilly fell asleep in daddy's arms while waiting to nurse! They are such patient girls! :)

I figured we needed a picture of Eric and's been a while! Here we are, just being us!


Melissa said...

I love their white sweaters!! They are so cute in them :)

Kelle said...

Genevieve had a sweater identical to those except it's pink! I loved it too, actually, I still have it just in case;)